Wow, already at over 2300 visits, more than 50% of the way to the 4000 goal. Well Interesting to say the least, the older lander seems to not be doing as well as I thought. First place position is currently the Winner of Test #1. Second place is the new content variation of the same landing page (new copy writer). 3rd place is the short version of the Old lander, and last with 0 conversions is the Old Lander long form.
At this rate, the test should be complete by Sunday night, fastest test in a while. The biggest credit is the new affiliate that is killing it in terms of traffic. I just need him to continue on until we get past this Sunday, and get out of the A/b Split testing phase. Here is the break down:
In terms of engagement, I’m noticing that the content has a lot to do with it. Since the #1 and #4 are the current lander with the exact same layout, versus the old lander hold #2 an #3.
I have no idea what’s wrong with crazyegg at the moment, cause it’s not properly showcasing anything – I’ll deal with it on Monday, hopefully in time for Test #3.